Philip Taylor didn’t win the BBC hit show, ‘The Apprentice’ but when he brought out the charcoal-based soap bar called Carbon Theory, he knew he had developed a winner. The wonder Carbon Theory soap bars and products in the range are now amongst the Top 10 Best Sellers in Boots Pharmacy.
Carbon Theory’s huge influx of orders was not what Philip was ready for and after some due diligence he chose Green Fulfilment as a fulfilment partner for both B2B and consumer orders.

Philip explained, “Green Fulfilment literally took charge of all my logistics which went far and beyond what I had initially envisaged. Sending the orders out accurately and on time was not almost a given immediately after I started working with them. Other services like kitting the gift box, booking PO’s with retailers, booking the time slots were all being managed by Naz and my support team at Green Fulfilment. As a result of my stock arriving it had to be immediately split for fulfilling pre-orders, retail orders and for kits, there were challenges from time to time. What I really appreciate is the honesty and forthrightness of the team at Green Fulfilment and the care and attention to detail to get to the bottom of any discrepancy in stock numbers.”
“When Carbon Theory expanded into the markets in the USA, Green Fulfilment were there for me to support our expansion. Meeting the complex customs and retailer compliance requirements the team at Green Fulfilment managed the orders seamlessly and it did not feel like this was more challenging on the logistics side than adding another retailer with the UK.”
“When I look back to the last four years how both Green Fulfilment and Carbon Theory have grown together it is rewarding and heart-warming.“