In a world that’s ever-more, digital, and fast-paced, the role of logistics is more important than ever before. But as the sector grows, so too does its environmental impact.
As the world becomes more and more eco-conscious, many businesses are looking for ways to reduce their environmental impact.
It’s estimated that the logistics industry currently accounts for around 9% of global greenhouse gas emissions and a recent report by McKinsey highlighted that more than 90% of a company’s environmental impact is through its supply chain.
Our sustainable green logistics solutions are transforming the way we do business and making a positive impact on the environment. We’re constantly looking for new ways to reduce our environmental impact and become a more sustainable company.
Like many organisations we are continuing to adopt greener and more sustainable solutions. This includes:
o Our commitment to using fewer packaging materials and increasing the amount of recycled content within the packages; making for a green fulfilment process.
o We continue to become a paper-free business via our paperless pick and pack system within our warehouses and encourage employees to reduce the amount of paper printed within the office.
o Reducing the amount of waste of office supplies and the repurposing of equipment.
o The introduction of recycling bins both in the warehouse and office to ensure all paper and cardboard is recycling correctly.
o Encouraging our people to use sustainable methods of travel to work such as cycling, walking, train, underground and car sharing.
o We offer sustainable methods for our customers to return their items back to us which in turn reduces the amount of mileage our vehicles do.
o All light fittings within our fulfilment warehouses are fitted with LED lighting which reduces energy consumption by 75% and reduces emissions.
o We aim to purchase electricity from suppliers who are committed to using renewable energy sources.
o We educate employees to switch off electrical equipment within the office at the end of the day and not to leave anything on standby, particularly now with the hike in energy prices.
o We choose whenever possible, local suppliers for packaging and office equipment to reduce carbon emissions.
o Reduce and ultimately eliminate unnecessary travel by encouraging the use of teams calls for all external meetings.
These are just a few of the sustainable methods Green Fulfilment have introduced to our business and there are many more sustainable logistics solutions out there which are helping to transform the industry.
As consumers become more aware of the importance of sustainability, it is likely that even more green logistics solutions will be developed to meet this demand.